Helping to pass on the faith and keep prayer at the heart of family life

CGA Prayer Request

Please pray for all grandparents and grandchildren struggling to pass on their faith in families or situations that may be hostile to our faith. Give them hope and understanding to be Grandparents of integrity.

Once you have sent in your prayer request, please pray with us below, each prayer request will be notified when you have prayed for them.

There is a candle lighting for your intentions at The Shrine of Our Lady of Knock in Ireland and The Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham in England.

Please pray for my son to find his way back to you.

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  • Praise The Lord
    I kneel and Pray for Israel , my family and myself Bless Israel and Pray for Shalom peace and joy to all in Israel. Amen

    Wisdom , Deliverance from Balance debts to be crushed soonest under the feet of our Lord Jesus Christ miraculously and an angel of Blessings locate us today as God's messenger to come and help us resolve it .

    May our family life be joyful and we get to rejoice together . Also our Restaurant Business prospers and sales increases daily ....

    Please plead with Prayers to our Jehovah Jireh, if can provide find a well wisher / lender / private institution / Bank with low interest funds so we pay back every month as the requirement is { not } big, to repay back as present our high interest loans is a burden. They can check our status / abilities / capability of repayment.
    Thank you so much for Prayers in Advance may our God Bless you &
    your ministry . May our Prayers be answered according to His will today, because HE LOVES ME & NOTHING
  • That I be graced to a very healthy, faithful, good, pure, deep, innocent, authentic, chaste, joyful, childlike, holy, and loving Christian friendship with Linda Kratka, and that Linda Kratka will find a very affordable, inexpensive, and spacious home very soon, which has several good sized rooms, and that this home will be a place for Jesus, the Holy Family, and all of heaven
  • Pray for me about work. I have messed up a lot. Pray I do well..Pray also I have boldness and grace and wisdom..I do not want to make a mistake. I want to follow GOD direction ifI am supposed too...But also stay if I am supposed to at current job...Pray I do well ...Pray for me to do right things...Pray also if a job I applied for is meant for me..GOD clearly shows me...PRay also that my depression goes away...and Im healed..Pray I feel better and peace inside Pray GOD heals and speaks to me and I m in his Presence. .Last pray I prosper in all ways and find a spouse..pray for better days and finaical prosperoty Pray GOD gives me the right lady to marry and it happens soon. I have looked for the right woman and still looking Pray for dorothy and protection from evil  ...Praising GOD my sister GOt her disability
  • Pray for a successful 3rd surgery & complete healing of Devin’s cancer
  • I'm Bryan Blaze from Bangalore, I've been unemployed since the last one and half years, I've attended over 32 interviews in the last 1 year, but nothing seems to happen, there is always some blockage.

    Please keep me in your prayer intentions so that I'll be able to get a job soon, I shall keep all of you in my prayers too.

    Thank you. God bless
  • Dear kind friends,

    We need prayers and masses for the following intentions:

    1. memory problem; promise:teacher;
    2. retirement: INSS promise: johrei
    3. dislocation of bones;
    4. Sanae: brain injury; promise: teacher
    5. sexual problem;promise:teacher
    6. cure my myopia; promise:teacher
    7. lack of sleep;promise: teacher
    8. Sanae: health, strong faith and protection (accident, con, etc);
    9. Sanae: a happy marriage for me (loneliness);
    10. Sanae: healthy, kind and inteligent children;
    11. help me when I grow old or fall sick and when I die;
    12. Sanae: master and doctorate degree;
    13. Sanae: interchange in England, France, Italy, Germany and Japan;
    14. Lara, her father and Lorraine: punishment for work exploitation; (justice)
    15. Paulo César, Régis, Amaro, Pedro Henrique, Daniel, Fábio Mendes and Patrícia loira, Márcio Antônio,Rodrigo: alchoholic and family problem;
    16. Yoko and Tsuyoshi: harsh punishment (justice)
    17. ancestors of Sagata, Kanno and Hashiguchi families,
    18. help me donate a
  • Dear kind friends,

    We need prayers and masses for the following intentions:

    1. Africa;
    2. retirement INSS; promise: johrei
    3. Middle East;
    4. to be discharged from UAI Martins hospital;
    5. dysfunctional families;
    6. ancestors of spirit Daniel;
    7. ancestors of Sagata, Kanno and Hashiguchi families;
    8. black slaves deceased;
    9.Daniel: lack of control, obsession, adiction, "blowing" and intrigue punishment.stop sing songs,forgiveness,repentance, happiness next;
    10. Brazilian public schools;
    11. Brazilian election;
    12. Brazilian slum;
    13. help me when I grow old, fall sick and when I die;
    14. working people rights;
    15. schizophrenic people;
    16. Brazilian public health system: SUS;
    17. Sanae (in the present and future): goodness, kindness, wisdom, strong faith, compassion, courage, honesty, QI250, cure gift, strong eyes, children literature writing skill, cure gift, independence, best family, Dom Wilson gift, religious vocation, Denmark;
    18. Elisabeth Fritzl and children;
    19. cats "Lo
  • Dear Father, Parishioners and Prayer Warriors.

    Please keep our home bond litigation in prayer. We are unemployed due to an unfair dismissal and having been deprived of receiving an unemployment benefit on time. With Gods grace and power have we negotiated and received a lumpsum payout, yet the lumpsum doesnt cover the entire arrears we are due to pay. In our endeavours to save our home, are we paying the entire amount over to all our arrears debt related to our home, taxes and levies and ask of you, please prayer warrior, to request of the holyspirit,  st jude, st expeditus and God to bring us good news, for the litigation to stop, and for employment to be received. We also requested of an associated claim from the government who by the authority of the minister, commissioner and auditor who has the opportunity to make goodwill gestures, authorize compensations and claims. As tithers are we committed to a daniel fast and lay at Gods feet for restoration. Please keep us in prayer.
  • Pray Valentine's fly to settle in B'lore, Neha to be placed in Bank job govt job in B'lore, Nikki in the best Company of Engineering at B'lore with high package,bless Neha, Nikita with suitable loving holy understanding rich, healthy catholic life partners who have no parents, who will keep Vellu Judy with them now and always, bless Neha Nikita to settle in same house in B'lore, bless Vellu, Judy with good health good jobs in B'lore, heal Neha Nikitaseyes and uterus heal them completely from PCOS problem, heal Judy from cancer depression anxietyphobiapanic attacks phobia insomnia ligament tear of upper left arm and left foot, heal Vellu from liver problems,Arun from diabetes, deliver Arun Vellu from drinking alcohol,bless Judy to get full pension with arrears with out any obstaclespray us to get 3BHK house in Bangalore with minimum rent closer to the Church and parkpray that Valentine's fly get's legal share of the property from Roby, Bless Mathias families and Vellus fly with good hea
  • I and my family need money and a job. I need to stop medicine, I need brain healing, restoration, rejuvenation, replenishment, and revive quadruple and sevenfold. I confess my masturbation. It is really serious. I confess all my sins and bad karma. I confess all they hold against me. I confess all he holds against me. I confess all she, her, her, her, and his hold against me. I confess all have diety half devil hold against me. I confess I have said bad things, done bad things, think bad things or destructive things about them and about Thailand and the country. I confess all wrongdoings, wrong thoughts, and wrong speech I did against half diety half devil, him, her, her, her, her, her, her, him, him, her, her, her, and all of them. I have way too many nemeses, devils, and enemies. I need all of them to forgive me from the bottom of their heart. Please forgive my masturbation and all my sins and bad karma. Dear Lord, please forgive my sins and bad karma, wash my sins and bad karma, an

    Please Father God bless and Margaret Lawson with your intercession LOVE Grace Goodness Mercy Forgiveness and Protection, show us LORD how to LOVE and Respect. Father God grant us with your peace and understanding....FATHER GOD TOUCH....our hearts mind's body's and souls... Father God we need YOU right NOW. PLEASE HELP US !!! IN JESUS HOLY MIGHTY AND .LOVING NAME WE PRAY ASK AND RECEIVE AMEN AMEN AND AMEN!!!
  • Please pray
    the Company we work in Reno/Sparks
    will provide 1 more Older person to take care nice and kind, trustworthy,
    filled with Holy Spirit
    for Max and Brendaly
    in Reno/Sparks.

    Hebrews 4:16 NKJV
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