Our next Faith Cafe will be held on Tuesday 11th February
Guest Speaker: Bishop Peter Collins
Theme: As 11 February is the World Day of Prayer for the sick – Our Lady of Lourdes. “The Lessons of Infirmity”.
Bishop Peter Collins is a native of Wales and was ordained to the priesthood within the Archdiocese of Cardiff on the 14th July 1984, having studied at Valladolid, Madrid and Salamanca in Spain.
He served for five years as Vice Rector of a Major Seminary in Spain. He was the founding Director of the Diaconate Programme within the Archdiocese of Cardiff, serving in this capacity for fifteen years. In 1994 he attended the first National Conference on Safeguarding organised by the Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales and since that time has held a variety of roles and responsibilities within the sphere of safeguarding, both national and diocesan.
He led the diocesan Commission for Education for fifteen years. His pastoral appointments included eighteen years as Dean of the Metropolitan Cathedral in Cardiff. Pope Francis appointed him as the Fifth Bishop of East Anglia in the autumn of 2022, the Episcopal Ordination and Consecration being celebrated on the 14th December 2022 at the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Norwich.
The Catholic Grandparents Association hosts a Grandparents' Faith Café online via Zoom on the second Tuesday of every month. The Faith Café sees Grandparents from around the world gathering for an hour to hear from a guest speaker, to share moments of prayer and reflection and to be together in a social space.
The Faith Cafe started in December 2020 as a response to the global Covid-19 pandemic when so much of our meeting up ministry was cancelled.
We invite the guest speaker to address us for about 15 - 20 minutes and then to be part of the discussion afterwards which is lively, social and chatty! Attendance can be anything between 50 - 100 people and we are growing all the time. The Zoom meeting is secure and strictly moderated.
We'd love you to join us each month. Keep an eye on our website and social media pages for information on upcoming speakers.
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