CGA Prayer Request
Please pray for all grandparents and grandchildren struggling to pass on their faith in families or situations that may be hostile to our faith. Give them hope and understanding to be Grandparents of integrity.
Once you have sent in your prayer request, please pray with us below, each prayer request will be notified when you have prayed for them.
There is a candle lighting for your intentions at The Shrine of Our Lady of Knock in Ireland and The Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham in England.

Pray for full healing of my physical health
Thank you -
I pray my daughter-in-love, Kim, will stop her occult practices, convert to the Catholic Faith.
Open both their hearts to love God and desire to worship Him alone.
I pray my grandson, Gavin Michael, and granddaughter, Amelia Rose, will be baptized into the Faith and be fully initiated.
I pray their hearts and minds will be filled with love for Jesus and Mary.
I pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious.
I pray for an end to abortion and euthanasia.
I pray for the souls in Purgatory, especially the ones who have no one to pray for them, that they will be released into the arms of Jesus and Mary.
I pray for the growth of CGA world wide.
Amen -
Please keep our family in prayer, I wrote to the CEO of FNB Bank to request of him to use his leadership, authority and discernment to grant us a 3 month-payment holiday and suspend legal action, while unemployed, as we seek a customer service as opposed to legal service to proceed with default in judgement, and the execution of sale, of our property.
Lord, I look to you as my provider, to have your promises reign on us. Go before us Lord, advocate for us, bring worth wisdom and simplify the options to provide life-changing administrative service to us.We need your grace and the holyspirit to work through the CEO to provide us with good news, please. Help us receive a testimony Lord. We are tithers Lord, faithful and devoted to you. Search our heart, mind and intentions, and may your perfect will be done, bringing us good news this day, please Lord. Amen.