The whole of our lives is one great pilgrimage as we journey through progressing ever closer to the joyful moment when we will come face to face with our Creator. Making an intentional pilgrimage propels us forward in our spiritual journey. We create a space to draw closer to God. In joining together as pilgrims, we also move closer to one another, reflecting the oneness and unity that God desires of his people.
The Catholic Grandparents Association grew out of individual Grandparent Pilgrimages in England and Ireland. For these reasons, participating in an annual Grandparents' Pilgrimage seems like an integral part of being a part of the CGA. An annual event like this also offers a chance for many branches to celebrate St. Anne and St. Joachim and grandparenting together. Grandparents should not keep such a wonderful day to themselves. It is a joy to share it with the entire family in a day of Faith and fun.
Pilgrimages are now held in the UK, Ireland, Scotland, Malta, Canada, USA, and are planned for Australia, Mexico, and the Phillipines.