Helping to pass on the faith and keep prayer at the heart of family life

Join us and pray - each time you click pray below, the person requesting prayer will be notified.


  • Dear Parish

    Please keep my mother in prayer. She is enduring an unexpected health crisis which requires Gods divine intervention to heal, restore and revive the functioning of her organs, body, vitality and well - being so that she will receive a testimony and be free from using medication or the need to undergo surgery. In God we trust. To God we pray for His promises to reign, thank you.
  • Please keep our family's finances in prayer. Our home bond is behind and we received a summons due to unemployment. Please pray for God to meet our financial debt to income ratio needs, for old debt cancellation and for the bank to give us a payment option which can save our home or a payment holiday if we can receive the funds on time to settle our arrears. Please pray for God to restore employment to both my husband and I as we cry our to God for help, please. Please pray for the Director of Finance to release a lump sum payout to us please, through the Holy spirit and the promise of Gods provision please.
  • Pray for Daranee Teapthong. My sister, who is taking chemotherapy for breast cancer, is now safe because her necrosis has decreased from 6 cm to 3 cm. May she be healed without needing a lumpectomy and saved in Christ.
  • Sir I'm kakkerla pramod goud from India sir I'm suffering with Severe richcraafts problems and Severe demonic powers problems in head sir since 2years im suffering sir my parents taken me to many doctors and astrologers sir they spend 3 lacs on me sir but there is no use sir with my problems my father expired with heart stroke sir my wife leaved me sir with all this problems I did a Sucide attempt sir now Im in iccu sir doctors did all tests and said by taking poision which is used for agriculture seed fertilizer it destroyed entire immunity strength levels and there is only 10percent strength levels is there in my body sir no use with powerful imported strength injections sir doctors said my case is very critical if with in 12hours time if any improvement in body immunity strength levels improvement up to 80percent to support the treatment if not it leads to coma pralasis stage doctors declared sir I didn't know any other prayer help sir I need your world wide prayer help sir emergenc
  • this before but as of the 28th this family could use a prayer chain of rightous intercessors - PLEASE SHARE THIS W/4 or 5 other individuals, churches, missionaries or prayer walls - or wherever you can think of. HELP please keep praying for all of their needs each of them as long as you can. Any and all unspoken needs too there are many for the 3 of them and families
  • In the humility of my heart, I am asking for prayers for John's healing from eye, bone and joint diseases and for his conversion. For Grażyna's healing from skin and dental diseases and lack of immunity. For strength to work, guidance, extension of the contract and friendly people on your life path. For eternal life for Mother Jane and Godmother Jolanta.
    God bless you
  • Reconciliation of my children;
    Conversion to Catholicism for Brad;
    Healing for Jen & Tom and children;
    Healing of allergies & eczema for Wayland.
  • Сan you please pray for my father Victor health. thank you very much!
  • 1. Please pray for Restoration physical house in Reno/Sparks for Max and Brendaly in Reno/Sparks according Isaiah 61:7.
  • Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,

    I surrender my job, I am in dire need of Job. Current job, due to downsizing have lost my job in a hotel. Have been promised a job but the management which is yet to come thru. Would request you to pray for a miracle from our `Lord Jesus Christ that on Sunday let there be a positive news on a new job.

    I surrender all my family intentions at your feet O Lord, please be with us at the difficult hour. Esp, my Mom and Dad during their old age. My aunts who are living their lonely lives, who suffering from memory loss. I surrender my wife and kid, please make them strong, guide and guard them always. Lord, be with me always.

    Lord have mercy.

  • Pray for Valentine's family to settle in B'lore in the yr2024,bless Neha with Bank job govt job in B'lore, Nikki to be placed in the best Company of Engineering with high package in B'lore,bless Vellu Judy with good health good jobs in B'lore,bless Neha Nikita with suitable loving holy understanding rich catholic life partners who will keep Vellu Judy with them now and always, healNehas Nikitaseyes and uterus heal Nehas throat from auto immune disease,heal Judy from cancer depression anxietyphobiapanic attacks phobia insomnia ligament tear of upper left arm, heal Vellu from liver problems,bless our finances lives intentions prayers studies future health and teaching profession bless Judy to get full pension with arrears at the earliest, to get BPLCARD with out any obstacles, to get 2BHKHOUSE at B'lore with minimum rent closer to the Church and park.pray Neha Nikita to settle in same house in Bangalore
  • Please can you pray for my parents Mariia and Viktor health and good medical examinations, thank you.
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