Helping to pass on the faith and keep prayer at the heart of family life

CGA Prayer Request

Please pray for all grandparents and grandchildren struggling to pass on their faith in families or situations that may be hostile to our faith. Give them hope and understanding to be Grandparents of integrity.

Once you have sent in your prayer request, please pray with us below, each prayer request will be notified when you have prayed for them.

There is a candle lighting for your intentions at The Shrine of Our Lady of Knock in Ireland and The Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham in England.

Please pray for my son to find his way back to you.

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  • Please in your kindness pray for our unborn grandchild and his/her parents. That God guide them back to the Church and that our grandbaby who is due Feb. 2024 be born healthy and without complications. For this child, I have prayed.... Thank you in advance for your prayers.
  • For healing within families and with special intention for the innocents. Prayers that God's grace fill the hearts of our grandchildren - Gabriella and Ava and the hearts of their parents Amanda & Jim. May God heal all sickness & wounds. God bless them and keep them all safe. I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen
  • For the conversion of my husband, son-in-law, and grandson. For the return to the faith of two daughters, a son-in-law, two sisters, and friends Linda and Rafael. For the healing of my husband’s lung cancer and of my sister, if it is God’s will.
  • Problem with eyes
    Also glaucoma
    2 time cancer survivor

  • Please pray for The Bell family, also please pray for Gloria, Hamp(Sir), Shirley, Clifton, Spencer, Robert, Sherrie and Stan. Marc, Brian and Sean also need prayer along with Ansol plus Lance. Isaac needs prayer and so does Christopher. Doug, Donovan, Dexter and David need prayer in addition to Wali, Jamie, Sir II and Daniel. Their friends, family members, neighbors, associates, affiliates, colleagues, co-workers and relatives also need prayer. Thank you very much.
  • I suffered a reversible brain injury from medication that was prescribed to me causing the most horrific constant mental side effects imaginable. Please pray that God will heal me, give me wisdom, perseverance, hope, mercy and do the same for my family. God, please end this torture.
  • Heavenly Father, guide me towards finding my true soulmate
  • Please can you pray for my mother Maria, that she will be healed and all be good with her health. I love her, and I am very worried.Thank you!!
  • God, You always know what was happened because You see everything a most hidden corner , I come with a broken heart,. God if you deign, please God soften and touch damianus aditya christie heart for me.
  • Please pray for Andras who is suffering from advanced cancer and he is in serious pain. Please pray that his treatments are successful and he would live with us for long in good health. Many thanks.
  • Please pray for Sophie emergencdaughter she pray for my kidnapped three days ago .I don't know where she is. She is physically and mentally sick. Her heart is very weak, she is stressed and in a panic attack. She among the evil people, who are concerned use violence .They abuse her and treat her as slave. For them she is just like an object not a person. They treat her is against her will. She is weak and has no power anymore. They, evil people her through using alkohol and drugs please pray to contact me her family, please pray for pray that she is away from every Harm and danger. Please pray open the door of jail for the evil satanic people. God send his angels. Please pray for relative for Letesgie, she has a pain in her eye, her left is almost blind!A good doctor can my sister Aster_Maria is very stressed and needs Healing and strength and protection for Andu, Ferhat. Thank you.
  • Please pray for my daughter Katie who will have a double mastectomy on Tuesday October 31st for breast cancer. Pray for her surgical team. Pray that all goes well. And please pray for her husband and sons. Thank you.
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