Grandparents Day in Schools 29th January in Carracastle, Co.Mayo

Names from left to right are
Angela Gormley
Maire Printer
Bishop Brendan Kelly
Angela Casey
Marian Moloney
Maire Printer, President of the Catholic Grandparents Association and CGA members, Angela Gormley and Angela Casey were delighted to accept an invitation to be present at Grandparetns Day in Scoil Iosa in Carracastle, Co. Mayo, Ireland on January 29th.
A lovely warm atmosphere pervaded the day and there was a large crowd of Grandparents, Teachers, Diocesan Advisers and Local Clergy.
Following a very special and unique prayer service including a prayer specially written for Grandparents and a dramatisation of the Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes, all Grandparents were presented with a St. Brigid’s Cross, a copy of Pope Benedict’s Universal Prayer for Grandparents and a leaflet explaining the work and aims of the Catholic Grandparents Association.
Bishop Brendan Kelly of Achonry Diocese launched a new publication by Veritas “Why send your Child to a Catholic School” and then the pupils entertained everyone to a programme of wonderful music and song. This was followed by a light lunch provided by the parents association. It was a lovely day, greatly appreciated and enjoyed by all present.
Prayer for Grandparents
Loving God
Bless all our Grandparents,
those gathered with us here today,
those who cannot be with us and
those who have gone to you.
May they heed your call to share
their wisdom and faith with us.
May they have courage and
confidence to hand on your gifts of
experience and knowledge of stories
songs and memories.
May they continue to learn and grow
with us day by day.
We make this prayer through Christ
our Lord. Amen