Our May Newsletter is now available!

May is the month of Mary. As I was reflecting on that this past week I was reminded of how often I have placed prayer intentions at her feet and implored her to bring them to Jesus. I am so grateful for the prayers that have gone to her and the blessings that have come in return for me and for the Catholic Grandparents Association.

For many of us life feels very much like it is returning to normal as public worship resumes, and more and more people are vaccinated and we can start to move around again and see family. Being able to be hugged again by our children and grandchildren is such a gift and something that we will never take for granted again.

And yet while we rejoice in our good news, we turn our eyes to India and as a global family we can’t but feel broken hearted at the sights and the stories coming from there as the Covid 19 pandemic takes another grip. We sadly are seeing that more grandmothers and grandfathers pass away. As a CGA family I ask that you reach out in prayer and action to the people still suffering from the Covid-19 pandemic.

As I write this we are about to begin the two month countdown to the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly on 25 July and we are delighted with the theme Pope Francis has chosen for the day which is ‘I am with you always’ (Mt 28:20). We have updated our resources to reflect the theme and are adding new materials all the time to our website so please do keep an eye there, download them and share them with others.

We would love if you could get involved in our Passing on the Faith podcast so as we can create a digital archive of the voices and stories of grandparents around the world. You can find all the details on our website www.catholicgrandparentsassociation.com and on our social media pages. We would also love to hear how you are going to celebrate the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly – at home or in your parish. You can email us to info@catholicgrandparentsassociation.com.

I am delighted to share our May newsletter with you.  Please click below to download and please do share it with others


Catherine Wiley,
Founder, Catholic Grandparents Association