Keeping Christ in Easter
Colored Eggs: In many cultures around the world, eggs are a symbol of new life. It also
can represent Christ’s empty tomb. Painting or dying eggs dates to the middle ages
when Christians colored eggs deep red to symbolize the blood of Christ and the joy of Resurrection.
Easter Lilly: Symbolizing purity and honesty, some say that the lily grew in the Garden
of Gethsemane where Jesus wept in the last hours before Judas’ betrayal. Another
legend is that pure white lilies sprouted from Eve’s repentant tears after she and
Adam were cast from Paradise.
Easter Basket: This tradition, of bringing Easter Sunday food to the Church on Holy
Saturday to be blessed, began in Eastern Europe. It continues in many parishes today.
Today’s “Easter Baskets” evolved from nests children fashioned for their “Easter
Easter Bunny: Like the colored eggs, the bunny was a symbol of new life in Christ and
the coming of Spring. The Oschter Haws, or Easter Hare, was introduced by the
Pennsylvania Dutch, as bringing colored eggs to good children on Easter morning.
The fact seems to be that no one is sure of the exact origin of the jelly bean, calling it a
“historical mystery”. Some experts believe they date back to pre-Biblical times, a
descendent of “Turkish Delight”, a Middle Eastern Confection. Their egg shape
symbolizes new life and spiritual rebirth.