‘Grandparents News’ Hits the Shelves!
The Catholic Grandparents Association has just published its inaugural Grandparents News, a 32-page magazine for members of the CGA and the public. Retailing at €3, the magazine includes articles, poems and reflections with news and views of issues affecting grandparents. It contains reports and pictures from the inaugural Grandparents Pilgrimages in Aylesford and Carfin. It highlights the issue of access rights to grandchildren for grandparents and an article from Kelsey Clemson, The Wisdom of the Aged.
Grandparents Day In School is a feature, as is Pope Benedict’s Catechetical Dialogue with Children. Cork’s Little Nellie is in there alongside details of the 9th Annual Worldwide Children’s Eucharistic Holy Hour. There are excerpts from David Quinn and the Iona Institute on ‘Religion, Education and Human Rights’ and the European ruling on Crucifixes in the classroom. There are tributes to the living and the dead. The Memorial Wall honours departed members and supporters of the CGA. Eleanor Glenn urges people to encourage priests in Those Left Standing. There is also a soda bread recipe from Marjorie Morrow and a welcome note from the CGA Founder, Catherine Wiley and CGA President, Máire Printer. Copies available from the CGA on telephone (+353) 098-24877.