Bambinelli Sunday at Home

The Blessing of the Bambinelli (Baby Jesus) is a tradition which began in Rome. Each year on the Third Sunday of Advent (Gaudete Sunday), the Holy Father invites children to bring the Baby Jesus (Bambinelli) from the family Nativity scene to Mass for a blessing.

The Catholic Grandparents Association has been encouraging families to take part in this blessing for the past number of years.

This year however many of us may not be able to gather in our local parish church for Bambinelli Sunday due to restrictions which may be in place as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. While we dearly hope we will be able to gather together, we are offering this family blessing of the Bambinelli which can be used by families at home together or to connect families across Zoom.

It is a very simple blessing which can be prayed by the grandparents and parents over the Bambinelli. After the blessing the children are invited to wrap up their baby Jesus and to place him under the Christmas Tree. On Christmas morning the Bambinelli is the first Christmas gift to be unwrapped and placed in the family crib.

Click here to download a user-friendly version of the blessing for use at home and in a parish context:

Bambinelli Sunday at Home 13 December 2020

Bambinelli Sunday Parish Blessing 2020

Please share your celebrations of Bambinelli Sunday with us. We would love to see your photos. Email us: