1st Grandparents pilgrimage in Malta.
On Friday 20th July our president Maire Printer joined a large group of Grandparents from the village of Hal Balzan in Malta for the 1st Grandparents pilgrimage in their country. Stephen and Georgette Gatt, residents of the village were inspired to organise the event when they read about the CGA in the Universe newspaper last year.
The idea was enthusiastically received by their parish priest Rev. Fr. Kalcidon Vassallo and he with four other priests concelebrated Mass at the Marian Shrine in Mellieha. Pope Benedict’s Universal prayer for Grandparents was said in Maltese during the Mass. (priests in photo – Left to right: Rev Fr Joe Brancat, Rev Fr Albert Brincat O. Carm., Rev Fr Diegu Theuma O.F.M Cap., Rev Fr Kalcidon Vassallo ( Parish Priest Hal Balzan), Rev Fr Robert Wirth S.J.)
Stephen and Georgette’s son-in-law designed a special banner depicting the 3 generations. Everyone enjoyed refreshments afterwards on a terrace looking out over the sea.
Those who were present were delighted with the day and are looking forward to next year.