Catholic Schools Week
Catholic Schools Week in Ireland was launched in St. Mary’s College, Dundalk, Co. Louth on Thursday 26th January with a special liturgy. Some of the students and teachers gave witness of their faith and the following are the beautiful words of a teenage boy telling of how influential his grandparents were in Passing on the Faith.
Secondary School Student’s testimony
“It was my grandparents who were the first people to teach me about my faith. It was my Grandmother who taught me my first prayer “The Hail Mary”. When she tried to teach me to bless myself. I kept getting it wrong. I couldn’t do it until I was 2. She also gave me my first bible and a St. Christopher medal.
When I was younger it was my Granda who showed me the ropes to life. He taught me manners and showed me how to act in general. He gave me a set of values to follow. He was never cross or angry with me even when I was a brat. In time he got through to me and now I feel I have his values with a few additions of my own because the thing he taught me that I thought was most important was to be your own person.
There is one time in my life when I can remember praying every day. It was when my grandmother got cancer. I was terrified that I might lose her. Everyone in my family prayed because it was all we could do and it worked. She got better! Praying gave my family a sense of hope and hope is what I get from my Faith.”
Thanks to all who organised special celebrations for Grandparents and grandchildren to share.
- Grandparents day in School in Athenry, Co. Galway, Ireland
- Grandparents day in School in Scoil Chroist Rí, Drumnacurra, Co. Kerry
- Grandparents Mass for confirmation students and their grandparents of all schools in Castlebar, Co. Mayo, Ireland
If your local school arranged something please let us know.
We have had a good response to our “Children’s Prayer Appeal”. Special thanks to all the schools in the Parish of Islandeady, Co. Mayo, Ireland who were the first ones to send them in. We would ask you to all to your local school and ask them to invite the children to write a prayer for their grandparents and send them into us at:
Catholic Grandparents Association, Castlebar Street, Westport, Co. Mayo